Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where to start...

Welcome to my new blog.  This is the first time I've done this, so hang in there and let's see where it takes us!.  Well guess what, it's raining...again.  Luckily I went down to the park this morning and shot some pretty bits and pieces I noticed yesterday when my husband and I went for a walk.  The sun was quite beautiful even if it did play hide and seek.

So, I attended the Australian Institute of Professional Photography's 'Hair of the Dog' last week and feel quite inspired.  Still not sure what the dog has to do with it though.  Anyway, how did I end up there?.  Long story.  I completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts at QCA many moons ago and have been interested in photography for a long time.  So last year, I took the year off my normal job and studied photography.  

Unfortunately (or fortunately, not quite sure yet) I injured my back on my honeymoon in July and had two spinal surgeries late last year.  What that has meant is time on my hands to explore my new skills, develop a website, register a business name and now create a blog.  Whether you like my work or not doesn't worry me, I enjoy making it and if you enjoy it too, well that's just a bonus.  Check me out at if you want to see more.

So I'm going to post my work here and try to keep a regular record of where I'm at, starting with the shots  I took this morning...

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